10 years ago someone told me ‘the price of Financial Assets moves according to Mathematics’. He had no proof but some things which he showed me suggested that it could be true. I tried to prove it to be true for more than 10 Years. I tried everything which I could think of. Some ideas seemed promising but never stood up to live testing. It made me recall Thomas Edison when he was trying to invent the Electric Light Bulb. ‘ I am not a failure, I have just found 10’000 way’s which don’t work. Then at the start of 2022 I found something which changed everything.
It was a way to calculate future High and Low Points based on previous Highs and Lows. I found that there is a Mathematical Relationship between these points.
This method works with Assets as diverse as GBP/USD, Natural Gas, Nasdaq 100, Tesla, Crude Oil and BITCOIN.
I am not going to explain how my method works, as it's taken me over 10 years to find this, but Members can benefit from this Analysis. We have created a Private Indicator Tool on TradingView which we call Graycell and thiallows us to make the calculations quickly. Previously all the calculations were done manually and took some time. It allows us to use Hourly Charts to benefit from Intraday moves. You can see some examples of my previous analysis for various assets at on my X Account.